Fast Like Daniel
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Are you ready to give up what you crave

           …to get something that will really satisfy the hunger in your soul?

If you’re ready for a change and want to take your spiritual life to the next level, you’re ready to Fast Like Daniel.

Scott Williams has prepared content to help you make this time of fasting and prayer an amazing time of connecting with God.

Featured Offers

Get these great tools to help you in your fasting journey:

Daniel's Kitchen Sink
Sale Price: $19.99 Original Price: $70.00


This is everything that Daniel had in his kitchen sink. 21 Day Fast eBook, 21 Day Companion guide/recipe book, 21 “Daily Dose” inspirational videos, Heart like Daniel poster, 3 week small group guide, 10 day companion guide/recipe book, 10 day table talk, and exclusive bonus “Finish The Race” video.

Once your order is confirmed, look for an email with a link to access all downloads and video content. If you don’t receive an email with your digital download shortly after your order is placed, be sure to check your spam folder.

(This is a digital package available for immediate download.)

21 Day Devotional on YouVersion

21 Day Devotional on YouVersion

10 Day Devotional on YouVerseion

10 Day Devotional on YouVerseion